Functions (refers to the constitution of Constitution Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam (Amendment 2013) – ARTICLE VIII (4)

The functions of the National Scout Council shall be as follows:

a) to foster and encourage the aims and principles of the Scout Movement.

b) to give advice and guidance to :

i) The Chief Commissioner on the overall leadership and management of the uniformed members of the Association.

ii) The Chief Executive Officer on the overall administrative matters of the Association.

c) to make recommendation to the Chief Scout the appointment of any person who has given exceptional service to the Association as Honorary Commissioner.

d) to establish and maintain a National Headquarters and to maintain friendly relations with the World Scout Bureau and other member organisations of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement.

e) to promote the organisation and effective operations of District Scout Councils on such terms and under such regulations and Bye-laws as the National Scout Council or its Committee may from time to time require.

f) to appoint a National Executive Committee. The National Scout Council may delegate to the National Executive Committee any or all of its functions as it may deem desirable.

g) to appoint Committees with such power and authority as it may specify. Subject to this Constitution and to any directions of the National Scout Council, each Committee shall regulate its own affairs as it sees fit, and may invite or involve any other person whether a member of the Association or not to assist the Committee in carrying out its functions.

h) to take disciplinary action against any Adult Leader of the Association who shall offend against the rules of the Association or whose conduct shall in the opinion of the National Scout Council render him unfit for membership of the Association. Before any decision is taken the Secretary General shall give him fourteen (14) days’ written notice to attend a meeting of the National Scout Council and shall inform him of the complaint or complaints made against him. No decision shall be taken without first giving an opportunity to Adult Leader concerned to appear before the National Scout Council and answer complaint or complaints made against him and unless a majority of the National Scout Council then present vote in favour of finding him guilty and imposing punishment accordingly. The National Scout Council may impose appropriate punishment according to the circumstances of the case, including reprimand in writing, fine, suspension or expulsion as a member of the Association. In the case of expulsion as a member of the Association, the warrant of the Adult Leader concerned shall automatically be cancelled.

i) to supervise and administer the funds for the administration and development of Scouting in Brunei Darussalam.

j) to purchase, take on lease or hire or otherwise acquire and hold any lands, buildings, easement or hereditaments of any tenure, patents, patent rights, trade marks, any other real or personal property and to construct, provide, maintain, repair or alter any buildings, works, stores, plants and things which may from time to time be deemed requisite whether within Brunei Darussalam or elsewhere for any of the purposes of the Association.

k) to sell, lease, transfer, charge, assign, pledge, mortgage or otherwise deal with or dispose of all or any part of the real and personal property of the Association for valuable consideration. The National Scout Council shall have no power to pledge the personal property of any member of the Association for the repayment of any sums borrowed on behalf of the Association unless otherwise agreed in writing by such member.

l) to appoint trustees to hold real or personal property of the Association on behalf of the Association.

m) to appoint, by power of attorney or otherwise, any member or members of the National Scout Council to execute any forms, agreements and documents for and on behalf of the Association or for such other purposes as the National Scout Council may determine.

n) to open, maintain and operate bank accounts and deposits with any bank or financial institution whatsoever and wheresoever’s situate.

o) to approve the budget and any salaried post or position in the Association.

p) to authorise the payment of monies, remuneration and expenses to any officer, member or employee of the Association and to any other person or persons for services rendered or goods or property sold to the Association.

q) to appoint a Committee or Committees to be responsible for the appointment, promotion and discipline of any employee of the Association whose members shall be appointed from among members of the National Executive Committee.

r) to confer decorations and awards at its absolute discretion.

s) to do all such other things as may seem necessary or conducive to the pursuit of the objects of the Association.


Functions (refers to the constitution of Constitution Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam (Amendment 2013) – ARTICLE X (5)

The functions of the Committee shall be:

a) to exercise such powers as are delegated by the National Scout Council.

b) to look into and suggest amendments to the Constitution, Bye-Laws and Rules if instructed to do so by the National Scout Council and to submit its recommendations accordingly to the National Scout Council Provided that the National Scout Council shall be at liberty to obtain recommendations on such amendments from any source it may wish to have.

c) to prepare and complying annual report and financial report for Annual General Meeting.